What are the Advantages of Vapour Blasting over Sand Blasting
What is Vapour Blasting ?
Vapour Blasting (also known as Wet Blasting) removes coatings, corrosion, contaminants and residue from hard surfaces. It’s similar to sand blasting (also known as Dry Blasting), except that the blast media is moistened prior to impacting the surface.
Vapour Blasting works by expelling a slurry of fine glass beads which are accelerated and atomised by pressurised gas and a stream of water.
Can you Vapour Blast the same materials as Sand Blasting?
Vapour Blasting can substitute for sand blasting in virtually any application. There are many surfaces, conditions and environments for which Vapour Blasting is far more advantageous than Sand Blasting.
Does Vapour Blasting leave debris and imperfections on the Metals?
Unlike Sand Blasting which can leave debris and dust everywhere, Vapour Blasting is a clean technique due to it being water based providing a dust free technique.
Can parts become worn away by Vapour Blasting?
No, this is highly unlikely. The way Sand Blasting works is by using abrasive force to clean and strip parts, taking some of the metal away with it. Vapour Blasting is a non-abrasive method which cleans by flow of water, not impact. This ensures all the metal remains and part dimensions are preserved.
Will my parts last longer using Vapour Blasting Techniques?
Yes, this technique is perfect to extend the life of your parts. Even after future treatments the part dimensions will stay the same, unlike Sand Blasting which will erode the part after each treatment.
Which Technique is better for Vintage or Classic Parts?
As Vapour Blasting uses a lower PSI than Sand Blasting, it can remove coatings without damaging the underlying surface. This makes it the perfect technique for Vintage, Classic, Fragile and Soft Surfaces.
Does Vapour Blasting provide a Better Finish than Sand Blasting?
The water used in Vapour Blasting provides lubrication between the Media and the component allowing a softer finish that avoids media impregnation of softer metals. The lubricating water also reduces heat due to friction which avoids warping of metal parts.